Edit: I just learned that the author was male, please disregard any thoughts from when I believed the author to be female, I am leaving the post as I wrote it.
First, if you're reading this and haven't read this please click and do so now.
I was not done with the second paragraph before I wanted to beat the author with her own words. (I'm assuming the writer was female based on the blog.) Saying that I (a man) has no thoughts, only looking to fill points in a script such as food, beer, sports and legs (or other woman parts) is just showing ignorance. I deal with ignorant people every day in my job, so being smacked with a wall of ignorance shouldn't be a surprise but it was. I wonder how this "feminist" would take it if I lumped all "feminists" into a package saying they only think about bras, how they can be oppressed, and how loud they can complain. But I don't do that because no single person in the entire world is completely like another.
Now the author goes on to say men are like dogs. Now if a man describes a woman as a dog she will most certainly flip out, why it is okay for a woman to do the exact same thing? Dear author I'm calling your cowardly ass out. (You'll notice the post is by "Guest") If you have to hide behind anonymity then maybe you shouldn't write that post.
Last thing in the second paragraph is the author saying LDS guys are like normal guys. What is a "Normal" guy? What is a "Normal" human for that matter? You think in your analogy that LDS guys don't replace "beer" with something else, but say they don't and that they are incomplete. Sure as long as we ignore the next sentence you write saying that "Oh yeah well any item of /subject/ can be substituted."
"...get two nuclear physicist together talking shop...and they've only substituted their profession for 'Football'" This is the equivalent of saying "Put two women together and they'll only gossip." Personally I don't tend to talk about work or sports with anyone in my profession. Work might come up from time to time but I never have an exclusive topic of conversation. Then she continues to say even two professionals in a conversation will devolve into sports. I don't know what professionals always have their conversation go from their profession to one about sports. I don't know anyone who doesn't keep their conversations to the topic necessary to achieve the goal of the conversation, be it a physicist or a IT guy.
The next paragraph the author says that guys are simple, but woman think they are complicated. Here's where the author really shows that she knows nothing about the male half of the species. Men and Woman are raised with a bunch of stereotypes; for men its "don't share your feelings, don't cry, you have to always be strong." just to name a few. Maybe this is why the author thinks men are not complicated, she's only experienced men who are trapped in the stereotypes they were raised with.
The author wants to talk about how women see a "chick flick" and see something in the characters she recognizes in someone she knows. But a guy watches a movie that requires no thought at all. I love any type of movie as long as it has a good story and plot to it, wether its a romance, drama, comedy, action, horror, sci-fi or any combination of genre. If the story or plot sucks, then I don't like the movie. As far as television goes, I prefer television that makes you think, wether its a mystery that I try to solve before the characters on screen do or a show involving science and experiments that I can learn from. I'd like to see the author name her examples of "guy television" and "guy movies."
"All woman think men have superpowers. This frustrates guys" My first reaction to this I'll admit was "What. The. Fuck?!" I have NEVER had ANYONE tell me I had superpowers. If they had I'd respond "cool" and move on. "they have three superpowers avaiable and don't know about it." Doesn't this contradict the last quote? How can a guy be frustrated that a woman thinks he has superpowers but he doesn't know he has superpowers? Maybe this is why the author cowers and hides her identity? Because she can't form a cohirent string of thoughts that don't contradict each other.
Alright so men have superpowers, lets take a look at the author's explanation of this.
Mind reading: So the author says that woman shouldn't get frustrated that men can't read their minds. Wait I thought this was an explanation of what supposed superpowers men had, not what they didn't have. I'm confused, does the author think guys have superpowers or not?
I may not be able to read your mind but I bet if you're not hiding it, I can tell if your happy or upset.
Here comes another contradiction. Guys in general have more upper body strength than woman. Here's another stereotype we're all thrown into. No, wait the author's explanation for this is "dumb luck and testosterone." and this isn't a superpower like women think it is. However it counts a superpower men don't know they have. I can't make sense of what the author is saying. Is this a superpower or not? Because she's said both yes and no in the same paragraph.
Being arrogant is also a superpower, and women are more attracted to arrogant men. I think rather than a superpower this shows a flow in some women's thought process of how to pick a mate. Perhaps here is where I should realize that the author isn't talking about me, but about the dumb men she's picked in her dating life. Personally I consider arrogance to be a personality flaw, not a superpower.
"Why are there any nice guys left? Well, guys don't think enough to catch on to things like this." This begin that "women tend to like arrogant guys more than self confident ones" arrogance and self confidence are different? I'm sure you can be self confident without being arrogant but I'm not so sure you can be arrogant without being self confident. "and a lot more than nice guys." Yet I hear those same woman complain that they can't ever find a "nice guy" or that all the "nice guys are taken." Hey women who think this, listen up. GO TALK TO THE GUYS! Not the loud ones at the bar but the quiet one off to the side. He probably thinks you're hot but out of his league. He probably has too much respect for women to just butt in to your conversation between you and your girlfriends.
On to the third and final superpower guys have but don't know. "the ability to think they look guy when they really do not." Why? because guys walk around on the beach with "their ownsomes exposed to the world." Alright, sure maybe some guys think they look good when they don't. So do most the women in Hollywood or models or the 40 year old who still shops in the children's section. Maybe some guys just don't obsess about their looks. "This is how I look and I'm okay with it." Hey there's that self confidence, and you know, what? If that guy, who doesn't look good, thinks that you think he looks good, there's that arrogance you're so attracted to! You say he's not attractive? Please stop contradicting yourself now and save me the headache.
Included with this third superpower is that to a guy the word "cute" means "pretty." Alright, lets look up the definitions of the words "cute" and "pretty."
Cute: adj 1. Attractive or pretty in a dainty way
Pretty: adj 1. pleasingly attractive in a delicate way.
So pretty is part of the definition of cute, and pretty means attractive. Just to avoid confusion lets define dainty and delicate also.
Dainty: adj 1. delicate
Delicate: adj 1. fine in texture, quality, etc 2. fragile 3. precise in action 4. keenly sensitive
So if a guy says that you are cute what he's really saying is that you're attractive but sensitive and fragile. Well lets see, my mom says my sister gets away with her attitudes and easily hurt feelings because she's sensitive due to her hormones. Also the author herself said that men are stronger than women "(in upper body strength)" so I guess fragile is true too. So I guess a guy saying you're cute is only speaking the truth according to my mom and the author.
Now the author goes back to talking about superpowers guys don't have. Wait, is this another one that guys don't have but they do have but don't know that they have it? Omniscience: noun 1. the quality or state of being omniscient 2. Infiniite knowledge 3. God. Well I know some guys who think they are "God's gift to women." Not sure I know any guy who thinks he is God or as the author states, women think men have omniscience, but I don't know any women who thinks any of the men around her are God. Wait what's the title of this blog? "Feminist Mormon Housewives." So this is a blog from a religious perspective where the author admits (or says some women admit) to thinking that a man who buys her roses instead of carnations is God. I'm not sure I have to say anything else on this. Back to the flowers, the guy ended up giving the girl roses just by dumb luck. Is this the same dumb luck that gave him upper body strength? This point does lead to something I can agree with the author about. Dropping subtle hints won't work with an arrogant man. The arrogant man knows exactly what you want, and since you didn't tell him otherwise, he's right.
Maybe if you didn't pass up your chance with that nice guy he would pay attention to what you say and catch your hints and clues as to what you like.
"By 'subtle' I mean 'things a woman would consider so obvious it must be shouting''" yet another contradiction.
I passed the bit with her saying men have attention deficit disorder. Where did the author get her doctorate? How did she make this diagnosis of every man on the planet? I think after reading this article I can guess that the author is either on a vendetta or insane, but I would suggest the author go see a few doctors with medical degrees perhaps one with a degree in psychology and get a professional opinion or two.
How guys see the world when they go off "script" as referenced earlier in the post. Well this is the one superpower guys have left. But wait, I thought there were only three and we covered those. Wait, isn't this another contradiction? Why yes, yes it is.
Seeing beauty in those they love. Just to stay on track, lets define Beauty: noun 1. the quality that gives intense pleasure to the sight or other senses. I'm not sure I get intense pleasure in any sense from everyone I love, but lets define intense just to make sure. Intense: adj 2. having strong feeling. So beauty is "quality that gives strong feelings of pleasure to sight or other senses" well that defiantly doesn't fit how I feel about everyone I love. Now based on the rest of the paragraph the author should have said "Seeing beauty in those they are in love with."
Okay she's right, but not for her reason stated (men think women are crazy.) No, I only think the author is crazy. Beauty is different for every person in the world. What I find beauty in, I would guess that almost everyone else in the world wouldn't. Sure there may be sometimes where another person and I find beauty in the same thing but that will never happen with all things.
Here's what you should remember. Men and Women are different, but only because they were raised that way. You can stop enforcing gender stereotypes with your kids and maybe that will help men and women understand each other better.
The author ends her post with "That is the hidden life of men." No, that post is a reenforcement of stereotypes and part of what's wrong with the world.
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