Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tech Support Rants Introduction

I decided back when I worked for a major computer company that I needed a way to vent frustrations. You know when you're told "Your call may be recored for quality assurance" Well that was my job, listening to the recordings. Unfortuantly some of the calls were so horrible that I couldn't go on not sharing them. Now this has nothing to do with the customer that was calling in. It's all the "professional's" fault. Everyone who takes the call is supposed to be A+ Certified, which means that they're supposed to be qualified to fix a computer. But some of them made me question their ability to think let alone fix a computer. It was so bad that some of the first thoughts a normal person would have didn't even occur to the people being paid to take the calls. There are only a few posts for this series since I no longer work there and it got to the point where the calls just repeated the same things so enjoy.

(These posts were pulled from videos that were recorded at an earlier date)

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